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With the construction of I-84 and its exit ramps in the immediate vicinity of the Van Wyck homestead, the Snook family donated the house and 1 acre to the Fishkill Historical Society. Much of the Depot site was developed for residential, commercial, industrial and warehouse uses in the 1970s.

The 10.47 acre Continental Commons parcel is bordered by the Speedway Station, Maya Cafe, and the Dutchess Mall. Virtually all of it’s original structures have been lost to the ravages of time and the elements.

The enormous extent of prior disturbance that has occurred – disturbance that has consistently been noted in most of the archeological studies of the project area, and summarized in our archeological consultant’s August 2016 presentation to the Town of Fishkill Planning Board – has been well documented. Those disturbances have included being farmed for almost 200 years, including vegetation clearing; plowing; construction of large and small agricultural outbuildings and an associated road network during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; disturbances along the property’s western border associated with modifications to Route 9; the construction of modern homes with their associated septic systems; realignment of Raiche Run and associated changes in erosional processes; relic hunting and collecting; and extensive prior archeological excavations.

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